Golden Rules for Being The Third Partner


There are lots of tips for couples who are going to have a tinder threesome with a third partner on the bed. But for the singles who will be the third partner, they can hardly find tips or rules for them to follow. It is strange because being the third wheel in a swinger lifestyle is not easy for single men and single women. If you don’t believe it, you can have a try and you will know it is not easy to enjoy the whole process to the fullest. However, according to some experienced single men and single women who have participated in threesomes, they can come up with some gold rules for other singles to follow. You can have a look at the content below before finding a couple on a threesome app.

1.Communication is always the key. With the help of a swinger app, you can have a great conversation with couples that you are interested in to join and get to know them very well. Before it actually happens in the real world, you can always pick a time to meet them and have a conversation face to face. You need to know exactly what they want from you. And they also need to tell you that what are their boundaries. If it is necessary, create a safe word and make sure each party can obey that. Or your threesome experience will never end with a satisfied result.

2.Know the couple that you are going to have a three way with. Consider this as the extended tip for the first one. Yes, it is important to know the couple before going to the bed with them. After all, they are a couple and they know each other very well. You are just a strange partner for them. Get to know more about them when you are talking with them on that threesome dating app. Besides, always trust your instinct and do whatever you think it right for you.

3.You need to trust the couple. It is not right to have doubts about the couple just because you think it is not safe to meet them on an online dating app for couples. You should know that as long as you want to have a perfect threesome, you need to trust the couple. If you don’t trust them, it means that you will never put yourself to there. It is not good to be a third partner. However, you can refuse any invitation if you feel bad.

4.Don’t get drunk before having a three way. Some liquid can surely make everything more attractive in the bedroom. But if you rely on alcohol to give you the confidence to do it, then you should get out of there as soon as possible. You are not proper to have a threesome with a couple because you will never feel the happiness if you are drunk.


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