Mistakes to Avoid When Having a Threesome Hookup

Me, as an experienced swinger single, have tried threesome for many times. I have had threesome hookups with two male, two female, one female and a male and a couple. I have had them for more than once. I still remember some mistakes I made. They made me so embarrassed. I wish I could have it all over again and then I will never do those things. Unfortunately, there are still many people doing it. Today, I am going to tell you some mistakes you are probably going to make if you are a newbie. Even if you have had threesome, you are still very likely to make these mistakes. I don’t want you to go through my embarrassment. If you are interested, you can read the following.
Don’t make too many plans. A plan may not be able to keep up with the changes. The first time I had a threesome, it was not so good. I was with my boyfriend then. It was the first threesome dating for both of us. We were nervous about it. She was a pretty young lady also with no experience in threesome hookup. We all thought that it would be better to make s plan about it first. We planned for it for about half a day. We talked and argued. Finally, we came up with a plan of who goes first and second. Who is going to do something, the other to do what. That kind of plan. When it come to the reality, it was nothing like we planned. Some of us was more of a extemporaneous player. Some of us was a plan sticker. When it really came, my boyfriend just forgot about the whole plan and did what he wanted to do. The other girl just wanted to stick to the plan. She blamed my boyfriend for being too casual. My boyfriend thought she was too inflexible. While me was in the middle. It was not a nice experience. Now I think of it, I would rather make no plan and go in at will. I can do what I feel like to do. Plus, there will be surprise for you.
Do not go in the middle. For newbies, they must think that middle is the best place. Who don’t want to be paid with full attention. Imagine surrounded by two naked persons. They going up and down on you. Hot, isn’t it? However, from my personal experience, I never want to be the person in the middle. If you are in the middle, it means that you are going to take care of two persons in the same time, or someone is going to feel left out. While you only have one mouth. Even if you have two hands, if would exhaust you. It is like you are separated to two parts. One part for the person, the other for another person. What is more, you are not going to get any fresh breathe. As soon as you mouth is available, someone is going to take it, even if you want to break. You can’t say anything about it. It will ruin the atmosphere. What is more, you are not able to go anywhere. If you need water, no, sorry, you are occupied. If you want to go to the bathroom, okay, you are the buzz-killer. Do not think middle is the best place. If you are on the sides, it would be better.
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